How Does a Small Tenor Loan Against Property Impacts One’s CIBIL Score - Loan Against Assets

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Monday, April 22, 2019

How Does a Small Tenor Loan Against Property Impacts One’s CIBIL Score

A loan against property is one of the easiest loans to acquire owing to the easy eligibility condition set by lenders. The debt product works on a very simple procedure: you keep your property as collateral, and a lender that you choose, offers you money which is equal to 60% to 70% of the property’s market value.

What are the expenses you can manage using a loan against property? 

> Loan against property comes with end-usage flexibility which allows
Funding for wedding expenses
For establishing a business
For business expansion
For sending your children for higher education
For urgent medical emergencies
For all other personal needs

Since you know how to use it, applying and availing a loan against property won’t be such a difficult task. However, you must plan your loan very accordingly and make sure the repayment tenor is in accordance with your repayment capabilities. Choosing a shorter repayment tenor has a different kind of impact on your CIBIL score, and the same goes with choosing a long repayment tenor.

Choosing a short repayment tenor:

If you go ahead and select a shorter tenor for repaying the LAP account, you will need to pay up a large amount as the EMI. Hence, paying up a large amount may affect your monthly budget and other goals in life. Besides, if you miss your EMI in any case, it will take a toll on your CIBIL score. That said, choosing a short repayment tenor has its own perks since it reduces the payable interest.

Additional Read: Can a Small Tenor for a Loan Against Property boost CIBIL Score

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